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You can buy a CD from our label Sketis Music, and the same selection other Russian folk music from different publishers in our online store - shop.sketis-music.com

Offline our products can be found in the following Russian shops:


club DOM - м. Новокузнецкая, +7(495)953-72-36, Б. Овчинниковский пер., д. 24, стр. 4

Mobile shop by Oleg Kovriga (Otdelenie "Viuhod" (Exit))

"Novoye Iskusstvo" - м. Цветной бульвар, Трубная, +7 (495) 625 44 85, Петровский б-р, 23

"DOM CULTURY"  - м. Парк Победы, +7 (499) 148-13-03, Кутузовский ПРОЕЗД, 4, (справа от панорамы Бородинской Битвы)

St. Petersburg:

BOMBA-Piter +7 (812) 327-3660, ул.Заозерная, д.1

Music shop "Play" -  м. Гостиный двор, Невский проспект, +7(812) 710-58-71, Караванная ул., д.1


For musicians:

We are interested in offers of different high-quality materials for our musical themes (folk, folklore, "live" ethnic electronica, ethnic fusion, etc.). Send us a demo (link) to our mail: sketismusic@gmail.com.

In addition to CDdisc edition, we also distribute the album through the Numeric online stores around the world and can provide a package of services related to the management of rights.


For Media:

Now we are expanding the range of cooperation with music reviewers and magazines, to promote our new CD releases.

We can send the latest releases to the review by mail or provide links to download full versions of albums from our bandcamp-page - http://sketismusic.bandcamp.com/
